The Penalty Is Death re-launch

While on the 1st August 2022, we celebrate the Centenary of Queensland being the first state in the British Empire to abolish the death penalty for all crimes, it is important to remain mindful that the penalty remains in some parts of the world. While in 2022 the number of abolitionist nations is at 108 with 54 more with longstanding moratoriums, the number of recorded executions was 2,397 with about 2,000 of those being conducted in China (World Coalition against the Death Penalty). 

The re-launch of Barry Jones’s acclaimed book, The Penalty Is Death, which was first published in 1968, responds to this context. The new edition includes a new introduction by Barry Jones AC and forewords by Michael Kirby AC CMG, Richard Bourke and Julian McMahon. 

You can order a copy through Avid Reader. 


Pope Francis says the death penalty is an affront to human dignity


Myanmar’s execution spree